This site is an informational page highlighting some of my projects that I have completed over the months.
Other information will also be provided on this page, feel free to check it out!


Reinventing the Wheel

Reinventing the Wheel was a project done by Charlie Van Abbema, a classmate, and myself.
The idea of this project was to create a Nuget Package that people would find useful by better understanding how default functions work and recreating them for programmers to use in their projects.
Link to Nuget Package here.
Link to GitHub page here.

Delivery Driver Lab

The delivery driver lab consisted of creating a drivable car that picks up "deliveries" and required the player to return the delivery to a specific area to score a point.
Although simple sounding, this game introduced velocity, player controls, interacting with objects, and more new topics that would help in later game development.
A yellow car on a road with a box and a red circle nearby with houses and trees

The code snippet defines what should happen to the player when the player interacts with an object with the script.
This snippet is a part of a longer piece of code, but this small piece of code detects whether or not the player has successfully returned a package.

If the tag of the object is "Customer" and the player has a package while driving over the delivery zone,
the total delivered amount will update, the car will change colors, and the boolean "hasPackage" will become false,
meaning the player can now retrieve another package.

        if (other.tag == "Customer" && hasPackage == true) {
        Debug.Log($"You delivered: " + totalDelivered + " packages.");
          packageObtained.text = $"Packages Delivered: " + totalDelivered;
           spriteRenderer.color = noPackageColor;
           hasPackage = false; }

Snowboarder Lab

The snowboarder lab lets the player simulate snowboarding on a snowhill.
By using the left and right arrow keys, the player could tilt the player forward and backwards in hope of making it to the end of the level.

A snowboarder jumping over snow
          void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) {
          if (other.tag == "Ground" && !hasCrashed) {
            hasCrashed = true;
              Invoke("ReloadScene", delayTime); } }

Quiz Master Lab

The quiz master lab was a simple game for learning switching scenes in Unity, but also a chance to create a simple quiz for fun.
Correct answer selected on a quiz score of 60%

This code snippet defines how the game will generate a random question.
First, the variable "index" is set to a random range of 0 to the amount of questions created.
The variable "currentQuestion" is set to the random number picked above. That will be the question displayed.
Last, the script checks for duplicate questions and removes them.

  void GetRandomQuestion() {
                int index = Random.Range(0, questions.Count);
      currentQuestion = questions[index];

        if (questions.Contains(currentQuestion)) {
            questions.Remove(currentQuestion); } }


Customer Service Specialist Internet fundamentals certification badge HTML5 and CSS certiciation badge ic3 Global standard 5


Name: Blair Ciolk
Time Survived: 16 years, 8 months
School: Hudsonville High School
Grade: 11th

Other Information

Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to develop games.
In my free time, I enjoy playing games such as Far Cry and Just Cause.
I love many different types of music but I specifially love $uicideBoy$.
An interesting fact about me is that I had open heart surgery in the fifth grade, replacing my inadequate pulmonary valve with a stronger, healthier one.

Person with foot against a wall covered in names holding up four fingers looking right

Contact and Other Information

GitHub Account
View My Resumé

G59 Lettering