Hello, my name is Ethan Witter

I'm a novice artist, amateur writer, programmer, video gamer enjoyer, and bad joke extrodinare (you've been warned!)

Currently I'm trying to amass the skills to create amazing works of art. Hopefully that'll bear fruit one day...

You can email me at ethanwitter13@gmail.com

Or, if you'd like to talk directly, you can call me with 616-405-6296

I'm offically certified! Though OBVIOUSLY that was clear based on this very amazing website!

Here's what I'm certified in:

You could also check out my resume:

If your curious what I do/have done, you could check out my github!

Though these are the projects I'm most proud of:

Reinventing the Wheel

public static string Reverse(string s)
char[] NotSoup = new char[s.Length];
int iTheSecond = 0;
for(int i = s.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
NotSoup[iTheSecond] = s[i];
return new string(NotSoup);

Exploring New Languages

def DecodeSecretMessage():
with open('secretMessage.txt','r') as file:
ReadingString = file.read()

SplittedString = ReadingString.split(" ")

for i in range(0, len(SplittedString)):
SplittedString[i] = int(SplittedString[i])

for i in range(0, len(SplittedString)):
SplittedString[i] = chr(SplittedString[i])

decode= ''.join(SplittedString)
return decode

Reddit Simulator 2009
Reddit Simulator 2009 [Source Code]

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class unapprochableGimic : MonoBehaviour
TowerManager tm;

private void Start()
tm = FindObjectOfType();
tm.juanCheck = true;

private void OnDestroy()
tm.juanCheck = false;