× Home Who are Vikings? Viking Travel Viking Homes Activities Fun Facts! Viking Gear Viking Jobs Viking Food

So you want to learn about Vikings huh?

viking with shield and sword

Who are Vikings?

Vikings are people who travel by sea mostly from a place called scandinavia. They raided, pirated, and traded with people in Europe. From the 8th to the late 11th century. (That's almost 400 years!)

confused vikings

Viking Travel

Vikings traveled by these large ships they created themselves called Longships. The long narrow shape of the Longships made them fast in the water but, there was not a lot of room for much supplies.

longship in water

Viking Homes

Vikings lived in two types of houses; one is called a turf house, which is the house in the image below. The other house is called a longhouse. They are built using wood logs which was formed like a ship, but not too much like a ship.

turf house

Fun Facts!

  • Did you know that Vikings didn’t actually wear horned helmets?
  • Did you know that Vikings had really great hygiene?
  • Did you know that Vikings would go skiing for fun?
  • Did you know that most Vikings were farmers?

Viking Gear

There were plenty of weapons the Vikings were using. For example, they had swords, axes, bows and arrows, lances, and spears. They also had a lot of things to protect themselves. For example, they had shields, helmets, and chain mail armor.

viking gear

Viking Jobs

Believe it or not, but Vikings had plenty of other jobs. The most common one was farming, but there were also poets called Skalds as seen in the image below. Along with that there were traders, blacksmiths, carpenters, and lots of other jobs.

viking poets

Viking Food

Vikings would eat lots of food but the main ingredients in their diets were meat, fish, vegetables, and believe it or not cereal and milk products were also a big ingredient. And according to the English they drank way too much.

vikings eatting food